– No Fog Volumes: import “vfxfogvolumeinfo.ymt” from the “Optionals/No Fog Volumes” folder in “mods\update\update.rpf\圆4\data\effects”. – Alternative Lens Flare: import “lensflare_f.xml”, “lensflare_m.xml” and “lensflare_t.xml” from the “Optionals/Alternative Lens Flare” folder in “mods\update\update.rpf\common\data”.

Import the “common” and “圆4” folders from the “Main Files” folder in “mods\update\update.rpf”. – No NGCoronas: this optional disables an additional layer of the corona texture emitted from light sources such as vehicles headlights and street lights. Note: this optional is unnecessary if the Post FX quality is set to anyhing lower than high. – No Lens Artefacts: this optional disables the blue lens artefacts that are rendered from the very high/ultra Post FX graphic setting. Note: this optional is unnecessary if the shader quality is set to anything lower than high. – No Fog Volumes: this optional removes the fog/glow around certains places of the map (Downtown LS, Sandy Shores, Fort Zancudo, etc). – Alternative Lens Flare: based on a few old gen pre release screens and videos, this optional changes the color of two flare animorphics from yellow to blue. – Bokeh, damage effect, lens flare and water foam textures. – Lightning, light pollution, clouds and other miscellaneous visual settings.

Keep in mind also that the GTA devs originally only had to optimize for 2 different systems so they could work in ways of pushing the graphics as high as possible, which is why you may need to turn down settings on a PC that's more powerful than a last gen console even with a well optimized game like GTA V.This mod restores various graphics elements from the PS3/X360 versions of the game. This looks a bit better than last gen consoles, but if you turn settings down some things will look worse e.g Reflection Quality. Shader Quality: High (Last gen consoles are a bit closer to Normal but it looks even worse on PC)

Texture Quality: High (Turn this down to Normal because GTA V low end PC's doesn't like high resolution textures) Bit of a late reply, but this is the closest you will get to the last gen versions of GTA V:įXAA: On (Last gen consoles do have some post process AA, not 100% sure if it is FXAA though)