Common locations include your Documents folder or the installation folder for the game. To do this, navigate to the location your game stores it’s save files. Some games keep multiple backups of their save files, so if something happens to your current save, you may just need to find the previous version and overwrite it.

The first thing you should check is whether the save is still on your hard drive. If you need to recover your GTA save, there are a few potential remedies you can try to get your game back to its original state. On a PC, they are typically in an “mp4” format, while on a console they are normally “.2gp”. If you have the Rockstar Social Club version, there will be different folders for each character and their progress, plus a recording studio, where the files with recordings you made will be. If you have the base version of the game, the recordings will be under something like “GTAV > Profiles > ProfileName”. GTA recordings are typically saved on your computer hard drive in the “Documents” section, in a folder called “Rockstar Games”, and then inside the subfolder for the specific game. This will allow you to add various camera angles, filters, and more to create an action replay that you can then share with friends or post online. On some versions of the game, you can create a customized replay by using the Replay Editor. Once the replay has been saved, you can access it by accessing the Replay menu again. From there, you can select “Save Replay” and give it a name if desired.

On older versions, you can save a replay by pressing the “Select” button and navigating to the Replay menu. On newer console versions, you can save a replay by pressing either the “Record” or “Share” button. If your Epic Games or Steam client shows a Cloud save error, skip and do not download the Cloud Game Save file, as this might replace our newly installed Game Save file.Saving an action replay on Grand Theft Auto (GTA) depends on the specific version of the game you’re playing. Paste the copied Game Save files into the GTA 5 Game Save Folder.

Navigate to your GTA 5 Game Save folder.Copy all files within the newly extracted folder (Installation.txt, SGTA50015, and SGTA50015.bak).Download the 100% Game Save v6.1 mod by DireZephyr here.Now that you have a good idea of where your GTA 5 Game Saves are located, we can download and install the Game Save File for GTA 5.

Installing Game Save files in GTA 5 is as simple as copying and pasting the Gama Save file and pasting it into the appropriate GTA 5 Game Save folder.